Thursday, December 30, 2010

A touch of insomnia

While sitting on the cusp of a New Year, I am finding myself plagued by an age old condition of insomnia. More so it is not really only insomnia but a manic disposition and overwhelming sense of both guilt and worry. So, finding myself with a little extra time I've decided to write.

I love to think that in this coming year I will be in the habit of writing more I seriously doubt it. Looking at the post from a year ago and then running back on all that I've done over the past year reminds me of what a fantastic year it has been. It also moves me to pause because how many other years have been this great and I've just kinda forgotten them too. So in a tribute to 23 years of life I am going to time line it, count the years if you will, and hope that will put me to sleep.

1987-I was born
1989-Ryan was born, that limelight stealing toad. Also the Berlin Wall fell, but I didn't care then.
1991-I started Kindergarten with Mrs Nuggent at Country View Elementary.
1995- Went to Disneyland
1996- Dad went to California
1998-That Summer we moved to Oregon. Started Middle School
1999-Had my first breakdown. Went to Outdoor School
2000-Participated in the Oregon State Mock Election, thought Bush should win... I was so young.
2001- Started High School. Met Karin M, who changed my life in ways that I will never forget. I was talking with my Mom in her bedroom when the towers fell.
2002 Have the only concrete memory of my Mom telling me no. Really started to get to know Chrissy Albright.
2003-Mom stopped working at St. Lukes and started subbing. Went to Europe as an Oregon Ambassador of Music.
2004- Ryan Started high school. Went to junior prom with Jenni V and had a fantastic time. Ran for student office, made a cake for my speech, and lost.
2005- Stole the car to drive to Melissa's to help her with math. Was a director for Mayday. I went to Music in May where I had my first kiss and girlfriend. I graduated High School. Started Attending Pacific University and met a whole cadre of people who forever changed my life. Came out as gay and lost friends because of it. Had my first boyfriend.

More to come